What are web stories and how to add them

What are Google web stories?

Recently Google has introduced a new feature called Web Stories. The concept is not new but it was not available on google before. Google Web Stories is an innovative way to display content that catches the attention of the audience.

Before becoming Web Stories, the format was known as AMP Stories. According to Google, first-person narratives, updating stories, live stories, and instructional and immersive stories, are the styles that function best with the format. Google Web Stories can be included in newsletters and linked from social media. Then displayed in carousels in Google Explore in addition to conventional Google Search results. A Web Story is displayed in Google Explore on the left and Google Search on the right in the image below.

How to design web stories

All of us are more or less aware of what stories are and what are they used for. The main concern here is how to design and manage web stories. The bigger question also is how to optimize them so they can come in google’s top stories.

Google released a video and an article that demonstrate how simple it is to start publishing Web Stories. They also described how you can start earning money from a brand-new traffic source. The entire process of planning a web story and releasing it is covered in the video. Google Web Stories should therefore be viewed as a distinct type of content. Much to how video and podcasts are viewed as independent channels for generating more traffic and ad money. Google Search, Google Explore, and Google Pictures all provide promotions for Web Stories.


Following are some steps on how to create web stories and increase their reach to the target audience.

  1. Google has provided a list of tools where you can design pages of your web stories and design your content, or you can design the on an editor of your choice.
  2. Design how the story will begin, continue and end. It should all be organized.
  3. Make it visually appealing
  4.  Add text and logo if needed
  5.  Publish the Story

Google web stories offer a chance to establish a foothold on a fresh source of traffic. The rivals are probably unaware of this. Which is a great opportunity for content creators to drive traffic to their websites. With this new style, there are options for increasing the exposure of your site. Also promoting it, regardless of whether it is about hardware products, web design advice, or personal injury.

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