Zodiac Signs : The long-awaited 2022 astrology forecast is in place, and AstroTwins, a resident astrologer, predicts the year of the roller-coaster for all members of the zodiac. In the midst of Jupiter transport that promises to boost business, wealth, and higher education, the Mars movement that will increase enthusiasm, and bring back masses, we will all want to tighten our grip. Here’s what AstroTwins predicts about your entry into the departments of love, work, and relationships.
Zodiac Sign Aries
Vibuses are a powerful new start! Get ready to re-establish yourself, Aries, because 2022 promises to be one of the deepest and most important years you have ever had in more than a decade. It all starts on May 10, when supersizer Jupiter enters Aries, expanding your goals and dreams until October 28th. This is the first time this red-spotted planet has visited you since 2011, which means you will be finishing everything. a time with a shiny tulle bow. Jupiter is a planet of luck, growth, and danger. Its arrival on your sign and the first consecutive house announces a new chapter of life.
From your career path to your social circle to your home environment, 2022 is all about making big changes thinking about your own happiness. And get it right, Aries: You experienced the shock of Uranus on your sign from 2010 to 2018, and jumped on the existing exercises and soul-searching searches. Now, you begin your evolution into the next cycle of life. Caveat: The process can be done in stages. Jupiter will spend the first four months of 2022 in Pisces with your 12th house closed, a healing journey that will resume from October 28 to December 20 before Jupiter heads to Aries to close 2022. Ask yourself: What do you do with or are you ready to do? Let it not go with you. Forward!
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Who do you think you are, Taurus? The answer does not matter — at least for now! Not because your identity and goals are irrelevant. Instead, any self-consciousness you have as early as 2022 could change dramatically in the next two years. And that’s great news! It all starts on January 18, 2022, when the Lunar North Node, a key point that determines karma, destiny, and purpose, shifts to Taurus for the first time since 2014. Officially appointed the leader of the heights of the world group (no pressure there). But yes, it can be a lamp that will lead us all out of our selfish human destructiveness. At least, that’s what the cosmos charges you for now, if you choose to accept that post.

Whether you do it or not, the big shifts are ahead, as Lunar Node and solar eclipse exceed your mark in 2022 and 2023. Change has been a constant feature of your strong brand since 2018, with the disruptive Uranus entering Taurus for the first time since 2018. 1942, stay until 2026. Now that you are over halfway through this inconvenient mode of transportation, chaos has become “your new routine.” From May 2022 onwards, part of your job will be to take away anything you may have grown up with and say goodbye to a certain chapter of your life that no longer compares. Silver lining: Preparing for a new 12-year cycle that begins on May 16, 2023, when the expanded Jupiter enters Taurus for the first time since 2012.
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Ready to turn your intellectual ideas into a practical one, Gemini? One of your most rewarding years of work in more than a decade comes as the calendar changes, anointing you as an expert, leader and #master. This year’s cosmic list takes your uncontrollable ideas from concept to concrete, setting the stage and repeating where you can finally move your language twisting language. (They said you can’t do it? Success will be the revenge you will never stop serving!) It was then that the Lunar North Node entered Gemini and sent you roaming in a new and random way. However, you may feel more like a balloon that draws a willy-nilly closer to the air from it than a directed arrow.

By 2022, be prepared to accelerate the transition from “dynamic” to “kinetic energy”, especially in the latter part of the year. Set Your Goal: On August 20, the empowering Mars is approaching Gemini until March 2023, an extended cycle that offers more confidence and love — sometimes, the perfect magnet that people will find unstoppable. When the lucky Jupiter makes its final rounds in your workplace from October 28 to December 20, the goal of going back may ultimately succeed, as long as your goals and integrity are at the highest level.
Zodiac Sign Cancer
You are no longer a caregiver, Cancer! Relationships have been the dominant body for the past four years — and let’s be real, your whole life as a compassionate crab. But the cosmic alignment of 2022 gives you a world to break free from bondage and free your wild side that is rarely visible. Since the stars are intertwined, they help you to enjoy true freedom. What sounds like a good idea for your life, your energy, the best hours of your day? You are invited to spend a lot of time doing vision work this year. Get inspired by reading, travel (within safety limits), and travel far from your comfort zone. By the first quarter of 2022, you can develop a business idea, make yourself a thought leader, or publish your own media.

From May to October, many Jupiter flies through the Aries period from 2011, bringing great success or a completely new form of expertise (maybe both!). Your ambition is real and your priorities are clear. Spoiler Warning: It does not involve paying attention to the emotional needs of full-grown adults. Trying to do that is disrespectful to both of you — a fact that some Cancer people will see for the first time. Where can you direct the remaining energy?
Zodiac Sign Leo
Naturally, lions are the creatures of society, and in the past year, the stars have strengthened your natural bonding spirit, Leo. Partnership is a great theme for 2022 and will continue — but fortunately, you will once again enjoy the freedom and exploration side as your focus shifts to self-satisfying personal growth. What are some of your unique dreams that you want to achieve in the wider world, share them around the world, and perhaps become a business? The dynamic-duo trend began in December 2020 when, both the lucky Jupiter and the formal Saturn entered Aquarius, a field of committed relationships, and united in their Great Conjunction (or what your local newspaper calls a “Christmas star”). . As they made the best paso doble in 2021, we were blessed with Bennifer 2.0, a Leo-Leo poster couple that made us all believe in a love story after the evil spelling of COVID.

Just before NYE, Jupiter moves on to Pisces and your eighth investment house, where it will remain until May 10, 2022, and form the last circuit from October 28 to December 20, 2022. On both sides, you may feel a bit secretive — while also enjoying the maturity and / or sensual arousal. But before you get too attached, know that freedom will be your greatest aphrodisiac, from May 10 to October 28, as many Jupiter visit the Aries fire sign. In this mid-year cycle, you will focus on education, business, and travel opportunities. In the meantime, your work continues to undergo many fluctuations, a trend that will continue until 2026 but may reach higher levels as Uranus and North Node embark on Taurus and your expertise in 2022 and 2023. As you like to plan, Leo, your best bet to drive is to share this adventure with the whole world now.
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Relationships were the biggest theme of 2021, and that trend only intensified in 2022, Virgo. Lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth and new adventures, will revolve around Pisces, your dedicated local co-ordinator, and Aries, the great caretaker of your closet. Until May 10, Virgos can take drastic measures to make a union official, whether it be a business deal, a marriage proposal, or a home with an S.O. From May 10 to October 28, when Jupiter visits Aries and your eighth house with the idea of ​​integration, long-term wealth and lasting relationships is on your mind.

You may want more privacy and you can also attract a good investment opportunity, so check out the options. In the meantime, Virgo writers, teachers, or students will thrive under a new eclipse and a Lunar Node series on your communication axis. Traveling, moving to another location (whether farther or farther away) and a new social circle can also be on the horizon. The bottom line: This is a year of smart work, not hard work — a great relief after the 2021 strong demands. Give every aspect of your life a stress check. When you pull hard, you do a lot on your own. Carpe diem and make it double!
Zodiac Sign Libra
Health screening! How do you feel, Libra? And we ask about your body, mind, spirit, and heart. After some fun but indirectly 2021, the sky is turning your attention to a life of non-drama and self-care in 2022. And you are well prepared for that balance (the magic word of Libra). Who says healthy habits should be boring? With the new Jupiter in Pisces and your sixth smart home until May 10th, you can either become a vegan gourmet or go to a yoga hobby, respiratory routine, and daily detoxification treatment. Hello, Libra bliss: 2022 version.

The relationship could be legalized between May 10 and October 28, when Jupiter moves to Aries and your co-operative house. Some Libras may increase long-term commitment and decide to move forward peacefully — or transform it into a new relationship pattern that works for both of you, with more freedom and independence. You may need that extra movement, as solar eclipses and Lunar Nodes dance your cash flow, creating investment opportunities, making a profit, and creating new sources of revenue.
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
A new Scorpio is emerging in 2022, whether you think you are “right” or not! It would be wise to embrace those revitalizing videos in the spirit of the game. The reason? The coming year awakens an important process that occurs a few times in your life. But first, you have to break down your non-existent layers of “you,” parts of your identity built on pain or past experiences rather than being created with the true sense of “This is who I am.” Fixing that will be your goal for 2022, as the Lunar South Node — a place of karma and past life — passes through Scorpio from January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023. To enjoy this alchemy of cosmic, part of you. it can penetrate underground, deep into a dynamic tunnel.

But don’t expect to get out of the grid and disappear, Scorpio. The healthiest Jupiter is in Pisces and your fifth loving and playful house until May 10, and from October 28 to December 20. From the heart-wrenching new love to art projects to fame, your talent and splendor will attract attention. . Do not be surprised if you are attracted to someone who is very different from your “normal” type, or find yourself embracing a new model of relationships, courtesy of trailblazing Uranus, eclipses, and the North Node in Taurus, your symbol of solidarity. From May 19 to October 28, Jupiter will immerse you in Aries and your sixth home for healthy living, encouraging you to put in place sustainable plans in your life.
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Welcome back, Sagittarius! On January 18, 2022, you will graduate for nearly two years of soul transformation. That has seen you break down the karmic layers and wait for clear signals of what to do next. Kind of a big thing? Most importantly, Sagittarius. Since May 5, 2020. You have been hosting the Lunar South Node on your brand, a 20-year odyssey. Pushing underground in the deepest realms of personal discovery and evolution. Have you ever felt invisible? Somehow, you were. But should you have stepped out of the galaxy grid. To get a sense of restored purpose and true selfishness that you can come up with in 2022? You can bet your karmic class will pass you on!

But hold on. This is not the time to send “birthday announcements” to Sagittarius 2.0, yet. Until May 10, your ruling planet Jupiter is in Pisces with your fourth home for family, family, and solitude. You can relocate, expand your family, or take the time to strengthen your inner foundation. With Lunar Nodes and solar eclipses affecting your health and the healing axis. You will really want to establish sustainable health plans for your life — those that offer. As much weight in performance as going to work. From the 10th of May to the 28th of October, your cosmic exit party begins. As the leading Jupiter burns another Aries symbol and burns down your fifth house of love, make-up, and creativity. Lights, Camera, Archer — prepare for a celebration of your talents, as your self-confidence and curiosity go from the roof!
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
The public with the highest visibility of 2022 is expected. Capricorn-with the possibility of escaping the interests of your community a bit in the summer. The year opens with an extended Jupiter recently returning to Zodiac Sign Pisces. And your third public house. Appointing an illegal mayor for your ZIP code while arousing your interest in new hobbies, forums, and ideas. Throughout the year, the Lunar North Node, the infamous Uranus. And the eclipse of Taurus will open your fifth home of fame, romance, and romance. This may spark new love stories even in the pregnancy of the Sea Goats breeding set.

But break the ice — and save some for Valentine’s Day. Until January 29, Venus, the planet of love and harmony. Will return to its mark, placing even your imaginary touch at risk of misinterpretation. You are working hard for your money, Capricorn, so save it carefully. And reduce costs while the Saturn belt tightening is in your financial position until March 7, 2023. Fortunately, Saturn is your ruler. So you can deal with a certain amount of delayed luxury. and play a long game.
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
You’ve almost arrived, Aquarius! As of December 21, 2020, you have been experiencing a dramatic relaunch. It began at the Great Jupiter Gathering with the formal Saturn, where the two met at Aquarius. Combining their celestial powers and illuminating the sky with a “Christmas star.” Last year. At one point you took a risk in the name of growth and went through a major stage of maturity. And how it has been. These planets are the opposite of polar: Jupiter seeks immediate gratification, while Saturn is about delaying self-satisfaction. You have been challenged to grow within a building and create a solid foundation for your great ideas. That not only rise but also create legacy.

With the luck of Zodiac Sign Jupiter in Pisces until May 10th. You can make money on one of those love projects. Or attract a new source of income, whether it be a new job or a lucrative sidewalk. Get ready to redefine the “work / health balance”. The karmic Lunar Nodes of Taurus and Scorpio throughout the year 2022. As well as the ever-changing solar eclipse that can change your personal and professional life. Migration, parenting, home ownership, or leadership role can all be on the agenda.
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Well, 2021 — you probably won’t miss out! Last year brought with it both heights and challenges. As Jupiter extended and strong teacher Saturn passed through Aquarius and your 12th house of closure, healing, and transformation. While you may have had a creative revival or a series of spiritual epiphanies. Pisces, there was a solid theme of liberation in the past. Efforts to find a lasting touch have been very smooth in this interim year. The difference was from May to July. When Jupiter made a short trip to Pisces and began a new. 12-year chapter of your life. But that reconstruction was interrupted until December 28, 2021, when Zodiac Sign Jupiter returned to your mark. In 2022, the planet of luck, fun, and growth is visiting Pisces until May 10, you are lucky! Then it will do one final round from October 28 to December 20 to get a second chance.

Packed with a sandwich between these many cycles. Jupiter will be in Aries, blessing your second home for work and money from May 10 to October 28. New work, promotions, or new sources of revenue could be on the spring and summer agenda. Jupiter visits your sign only for 11 to 12 years; last became Pisces in 2010 and 2011 (with the exception of a brief preview from May 13 to July 28, 2021). Look back at those times to find clues to what could lead to 2022. Thinking about traveling, teaching, writing, or presenting a media project? The karmic Lunar Node and solar eclipse will move on your communication axis. Giving you a chance to conquer the area and take your message far and wide. But do not “bypass” on internal growth. It’s easy to get started with almost anything in 2022. But if you’re going to invest time and energy, why not make sure it’s sustainable, profitable … and, fun!